Pitt Business Alumni Engagement Form

Pitt Business Alumni Engagement Form

As a valuable alumnus/a of the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and/or the College of Business Administration, we want to stay connected to you, continue to provide resources to you throughout your career and also provide opportunities for alumni to stay involved and support the school. Please complete the form below and someone from our office will respond to you.

Pitt Business Alumni Engagement Form

Give Back

Please check as many engagement opportunities as you're interested in:

Please indicate the audience(s) with which you would be willing to speak.
Please indicate the audience(s) with which you would be willing to speak.

Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your mentorship.
Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your mentorship.

Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your job opportunities.
Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your job opportunities.

Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your internships.
Please indicate which students could be a potential fit for your internships.

Please indicate which type of gift you would like more information.
Please indicate which type of gift you would like more information.

Alumni Resources

Please check as many resources as you're interested in: